Tag Archives: refurbished

Memory Lane: DIY Summer

as we approach our SIX MONTH “ANNIVERSARY” we can’t help but look back on the ups & downs that took us to this particular point. not that we’ve gotten “anywhere” just yet… but it’s important to appreciate the moments that seem like they were only yesterday. when our store was only a white-walled room of blue bins filled with merchandise & a bunch of flammable junk. (thank gods we captured it all on youtube!)

from the day we found a futon frame discarded on baldwin st. (which we converted into our changeroom) to that weekend our AA homies drove down from montreal to lend a hand… to how much we miss SUMMER & being able to drive around in our ZIPCAR topless.

stay tuned! for all you folks on twitter – we’ll be announcing the winners of our $200 gift card giveaway NOVEMBER 15th! (RT http://www.prettyfreedom.com to enter!)

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Filed under BELLS SUCKS, Video, Youtube